Dracken's Lair
Odds & Ends


Checkout the official TempusMUD web page and try the MUD at TemusMUD.com port 2020.  There's even a forum for those that want to make a difference in the MUD's classes at Realm.TempusMUD.com


I'm currently working on a free 3D Visual Mud in the DirectX Format. If you have any building or programming experience then email me and let me know you'd be interested in helping create this unique platform for everyone to use! I will also be looking for Beta Testers as soon as the engine is up and some world files are created. For more info go here and check out my vision as to how this is to be accomplished.

Learn alittle more on how to make your own chain mail armor here!


Boris Vallejo Painting 'Diana' found freely apon the web.


I'm one of the current leaders of the Great clan Dagger!

The Great Clan Dagger!

We've got a great player base and are always looking for more greats to join into our ranks.  It takes hard work and dedication, but once there, you can manifest powers beyond your wildest dreams!

Check out more cool Fantasy Pics found freely on the Web.


Also see THE help file for the MUD client tintin!TinTin Help Document


This Just In!! The Complete Remort Test!!Remort Test Help Page




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