Dracken's Lair
Odds & Ends
Clan Dagger is the second oldest mortal clan on TempusMUD but by far the greatest. Some of the greatest players ever to set foot on Calidon have graced our ranks, and more are to come. Here is a partial list of our current clan ranks.



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Current Clan Dagger Members

Nazareth Nazareth is one of the original founding fathers of Clan Dagger and has kept somewhat active in the clan since it's inception (though he's been gone for awhile now *hint hint*). Nazareth is the first ever gen 10 remort. His elder status has granted him with insights and cunning few can rival, but none surpass.
Alighieri Alighieri is another founding father (mother?) of Clan Dagger, though he may be better known for his Purple Avacado Ranger, Xwulg. He still graces us with his presence, though a bit sparatically. Alighieri is a powerful gen 10 mage psion remort, to cross her would be worse than a rabid cow chewing continously on your leg!
Dracken Dracken is my very own character. Though not a founding father, my character dates back to near the very beginning of Clan Dagger. He is currently a leader of Clan Dagger.
Trytan Trytan has been in Dagger for a relativly short amount of time, though he has stuck with us through thick and thin. He is a co-leader of Clan Dagger.
Denier Calm and collective, a follower of Guiharia, Denier has harnessed the power of his goddess to enable him to both heal and harm.





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