Dracken's Lair
Odds & Ends

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Welcome To My Dark Cavernous Hole!

It's me, Derek 'Dracken' Boerger!

Yep, you guessed it, that's me!



I guess people wonder how I came about my nick name.   It actually all started back in 8th grade, I was drawing my own comic book, and Dracken was one of the characters.  I like the name and the concept of the character so much that I used the name in role-playing.  This was back when paper and pencil was required.  Anyways,  I was introduced to MUD my freshman year in college (that's Multi-User Domain)  and loe and behold I made a character with the name Dracken.  I guess the name stuck, and people refrenced me to my characters name.   But the name is indeed something more than just that, it's something I associate myself with as a person,  as an artist, as a computer freak, at almost anything, I like to think of myself as that character all those years ago that has now   matured into me.  As to the fate of that comic book?  Well, I've advanced my artistic abilities far from where the original concept came, but I have had ideas of actaully publishing a computer partial animation version in the near future.  Now all I have to do is just get a story concept finished and I'll have something to look foward to doing.




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