Dracken's Lair
Odds & Ends
I am currently working on chain mail armor. Using a 6x1 matrix (for every 1 link 6 others are connected to it) with 18 guage steel wire at 1/4 inch diamater. I'm currently constructing a chain mail shirt in this fashion. As soon as I'm done with that I'll attepmt to construct a coif and perhaps chain mail gloves as well. I may attepmt to do chain mail bikini tops and thongs...but that'll be done at a later date! To learn how to do your own chain mail, click here!
Swords and other hand weapons are something I've learned to use and collect. My current collection includes two katanas, a claymore, a long sword and a set of sai. Now all I need is a few leather sheaths to be able to wear them with my costume.
A friend of mine, Jenny Carruth, constructed an awesome hooded cloak for me, which is also apart of my costume. Once I have a picture of the completed costume I'll post it here!
Current Costume Specs: Chain Mail shirt (made by me)
Two Cloaks (one by Jenni Carruth, the other by my sister Liz)
Studded Leather Bracers (by my sister Liz)
2.5 inch Black Leather belt and frog (bought at Colorado Renaissance Fair)







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