Dracken's Lair
Odds & Ends
Chain Mail Instructions
Some of the basic supplies you're gonna need:
about a half mile of wire
a rod to wind the wire around
needle nose and slide-lock plyers
thick work gloves
vice grips
wire cutters
Once you have the supplies, take the wire and clamp it to the rod with the vice grips. Once secured, wind the wire around the rod, guiding the wire along with your gloved hand. Once you get a nice coil, cut the end and remove the spring-like coil from the rod.
Starting from one end of the coil, begin clipping off links. Make sure that the cuts are as close to one another as possible, this will eliminate the gaps you will need to close and cause a deformed link.
To start the chain, you'll need to decide on what kind of pattern you wish to make. The most basic is the 4x1, though there are others such as the 6x1 and 8x1 as well. These all are based on the same technique.
With the 4-to-1 pattern, attach 4 links onto one link.
Attach 3 more links, first looping the center link through the top most links already attached. Close the link and you should have a 3-2-3 chain started. Notice that the links on each row lay the same way.
Continue with the pattern until you have a length of chain that will loosly surround the widest area you wish to cover. Once you have a complete chain constructed, you are ready to expand width wise. To do this attach two links from the main chain and add two links to to open chain.
To expand you attach an open link to two links on the constructed side and one on the row you're working on, then add one link to the other side.

Confused yet? If so, go here for a better explination than what I could put together.





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