Dracken's Lair
Odds & Ends


The Bachelor Party


It was quite an interesting night. Oh, and FYI, don't try to turn off your car while going down a road at 65mph at night while in neutral and then try to turn the vehicle on and expect it to actually TURN ON, eh, Billy??

This is all of us infront of "Danni's" of Jackson, MS.

FRONT: Scratch and John
BACK: Sketch, Billy, Greg, J.T., Craig, Bill

I'm taking the picture...go figure.

John, Sketch and Scratch at 

We all decided to grab some grub, so off to Waffle House at 3 o'clock in the morning!
Bill, Billy and J.T. at
Waffle House.

Of course, we all had to pick on Sketch, he was beaten, rode, and dragged across the main dance floor with a couple of the strippers...come to think of it, I think he got the better deal!
An Over The Top
view of the table...mmm! mmm!

Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!  Hash Browns, splatter, scattered, smothered and covered!

Anyother way would be sacrilegious!

The Other side of
the table...topside down!

Munching away, we converse about the nights...um...adventurous happenings...yeah,

that's it...and did we ever get an appetite from all that action!

It's Me!  ...outta
focus of course.

Yeah, that's me, and no, I'm not naturally that fuzzy!!

Eat your heart out!

Yeah, I know what your thinking...




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