Metacity Mods

I'm developing a set of patches to Metacity to more suit the way I expect a window manager to behave.
The current mods include:

  1. Edge flip for workspaces. ( Not while dragging a window, yet.)
  2. Resizing with the alt or windows key uses button 3 not 2.
Also take a look at Michael Jolly's mod's page for some of his tricks, such as Vertical/Horizontal maximize.

If these don't work for you, let me know. If they do, drop me a line anyway. I'd like to have an idea of how many people are using them. :)

Current Version

Aug 30th
I updated to 2.5.2 after an aborted attempt at 2.5.3. I really prefer the click-raise behavior for sloppy focus in 2.5.2. In 2.5.3 it's disabled without a modifier key. This is a personal preference so when I get around to it I'll create a patch for 2.5.3 to restore my preference and update the rest.

Changes: A proper license for flip.c and improvements to the flipping logic. (Or rather, removal of some misbehaving logic. )

Metacity 2.5.2:
(I will go to 2.5.3 when I manage to re-enable click-raise for sloppy focus.)

Edge flip for 2.5.2.
Swaps the resize/move button to 3 and menu to 2 while holding the mod key. (alt/ctl/super...)

Older Versions

Metacity 2.4.34 - SUSE 8.2 with some of SUSE's patches:

All modifications and alterations written by me or included on this page are released under the GNU General Public License and may be relicensed by Havoc Pennington at his discretion if included in the main Metacity distribution.